ordinary time
Eventually, I’m no longer waking in the dark.
the year in review
At some point, we get the degree or whatever.
the lengthening days
The cold night presses into the window.
making monsters
Today I feel like a monster, hideous and full of rage!!!
the trees in December
I see now that I will never recover.
practice and effort
I am so thirsty, and I wish I knew how to draw.
there is no other world
I keep my old blog posts in an archive, in which I found this post from September 11, 2011. I
where we live
For years I’ve encouraged my writing students not to be afraid to use proper nouns in their work: the
making myself into the person who is capable
I first drafted these words last night, at the end of a frustrating work day—yet another day on which
i would prefer not to
Last year was the first in a decade that I did not go to see the Bluebell Wood in bloom